HP LaserJet Printer Telnet Commands

HP LaserJet Printer Telnet Commands

A default out-of-the-box HP network printer has a running telnet server that can be used to configure and control the printer. In this article, we will explore what commands are available and I will also show you how to disable the telnet server on the printer.

HP Printer Telnet Command Reference

Type "help or ?" for information.
> ? 
Product Name        :  HP LaserJet 200 color M251nw
Formatter Number    :  V150VRD
Serial Number       :  Cxxxxxxxxx
Firmware Datecode   :  20121026
=====  Telnet Configuration Menu  =====
=====   Command:        Value:    =====
?, help            [display help menu]
/                  [display current config setting values]
#                  [comment line used with export feature]
save               [save and exit configuration]
exit               [exit, will be prompted for saving settings]
export             [Echo back all commands issued in the session]
__________GENERAL SETTINGS________________________
passwd            <new-password> <retype-new-password>(16 chars max)
sys-contact        alpha-numeric string (26 chars max)
sys-location       alpha-numeric string (32 chars max)
ssl-state          0 to disable, 1 to enable redirection
security-reset     1 to reset
__________802.11 WIRELESS ________________________
network-type       INFRASTRUCTURE, (AD_HOC not supported) (read-only)
desired-ssid       alpha-numeric string (32 chars max)
auth-type          AUTO, OPEN, SHARED
ssn-auth-type      NONE, WEP, WPA-PSK, WPA-802.1x, WPA2-PSK, WPA2-802.1x
svr-auth           NONE, PEAP, LEAP, EAP_TLS...
svr-auth-user      alpha-numeric string (128 chars max)
svr-auth-pass      alpha-numeric string (128 chars max)
svr-auth-id        [host name string] [RIGHT_MOST|USE_EXACT]
dot1x              0 to disable, 1 to enable
psk-passphrase     string (8 chars min to 255 chars max)
encryption         0 to disable, 1 to enable (read-only)
wep-key-method     ASCII, (HEX not supported) (read-only)
wep-key            index (1..4) value (5 or 13 ASCII chars, 10 or 26 hex chars)
transmit-key       integer (1..4)
desired-channel    integer (1..14) (read-Only)
__________WIRELESS DIRECT ________________________
wireless-direct    0-OFF, 1-ON with Security, 2-ON without Security
wireless-direct-name    wireless direct print SSID (32 chars max)
wireless-direct-comm    0 to disable, 1 to enable (Allow clients to communicate with each other.)
__________TCP/IP MAIN_____________________________
host-name          alpha-numeric string (63 chars max)
ip-config          BOOTP, DHCP, AUTOIP, MANUAL
firewall-config    0 - Disable, 1 - Enabled by EWS (Read Only)
ip                 IP address in dotted notation
subnet-mask        IP address in dotted notation
default-gw         IP address in dotted notation
config-server      IP address in dotted notation (read-only)
tftp-server        IP address in dotted notation (read-only)
tftp-filename      ASCII string (64 chars max) (read-only)
parm-file          alpha-numeric string (64 chars max) (tftp only)
domain-name        alpha-numeric string (192 chars max)
pri-dns-svr        IP address in dotted notation
sec-dns-svr        IP address in dotted notation
pri-wins-svr       IP address in dotted notation
reconfig           1 (write only)
__________TCP/IP PRINT OPTION_____________________
9100-printing      0 to disable, 1 to enable (TCP port 9100)
ws-printing        0 to disable, 1 to enable (TCP port 3910)
ftp-printing       0 to disable, 1 to enable (TCP port 20,21)
ipp-printing       0 to disable, 1 to enable (TCP port 631)
lpd-printing       0 to disable, 1 to enable (TCP port 515)
banner             0 to disable, 1 to enable
__________TCP/IP ACCESS CONTROL __________________
acl-config         0 to disable, 1 to enable
allow              IP address<space>Mask<space>0/1, [0 to disable, 1 to enable]
acl-http           0 to disable, 1 to enable
__________TCP/IP OTHER____________________________
syslog-config      0 to disable, 1 to enable (UDP port 514)
syslog-svr         IP address in dotted notation
syslog-max         integer (1..999), default 10, 0 to disable
syslog-priority    integer (0..7), 8 to disable
syslog-protocol    integer (0,1) 0-PROTO_UDP,1-PROTO_TCP
syslog-port        integer (1..65535)
syslog-facility    integer (6 or 16-23)
slp-config         0 to disable, 1 to enable (UDP port 427)
bonjour-config     0 to disable, 1 to enable (UPD port5353)
bonjour-svc-name   alpha-numeric string (63 chars max)
bonjour-domain-name   alpha-numeric string (39 chars max) (read-only) 
bonjour-services   1 - 9100 printing, 2 - IPP printing, 3 - LPD RAW printing,
                   5 - LPD AUTO, 6 - LPD BINPS
llmnr              0 to disable, 1 to enable
ftp-download       0 to disable, 1 to enable (TCP port 20, 21)
telnet-config      0 to disable, 1 to enable (tftp command only)
bootp-config       0 to disable, 1 to enable
dhcp-config        0 to disable, 1 to enable
autoip-config      0 to disable, 1 to enable
user-timeout       integer (5..7200) seconds, default 120 seconds
cold-reset-all     1 to reset printer to factory default
cold-reset-network 1 to reset printer network setting to factory default
ews-config         0 to disable, 1 to enable (TCP port 80)
dhcp-fqdn-conf     integer 0 - 3
airprint           0 to disable, 1 to enable
__________TCP/IP DIAGNOSTICS _____________________
last-config-ip     IP address in dotted notation. (read only)
dhcp-lease-time    integer, seconds (read only)
snmp-config        0 to disable, 1 to enable
     NOTE: Disabling this parameter will disable communication with WebJetAdmin
get-cmnty-name     alpha-numeric string (23 chars max)
set-cmnty-name     alpha-numeric string (23 chars max)
default-get-cmnty  0 to disable, 1 to enable
     NOTE: Disabling this parameter will disable communication with WebJetAdmin
auth-trap          0 to disable, 1 to enable
trap-dest          IP address in dotted notation, to disable, [3]
__________OTHER __________________________________
link-type          AUTO, 100FULL, 100HALF, 10FULL, 10HALF
network-select     0-AUTO,1-RJ45,2-WIRELESS,3-USB (Read-Only)
job-timeout        integer (5..7200) seconds, default 120 seconds
ws-discovery-conf  0 to disable, 1 to enable
__________SUPPORT ________________________________
support-contact    alpha-numeric string (255 chars max)
support-number     alpha-numeric string (255 chars max)
support-url        URL string (255 characters max)
tech-support-url   URL string (255 characters max)
ip: <ENTER>    [sets IP address to]
idle-timeout: 65 <ENTER>   [sets timeout to 65 seconds]
allow: <ENTER>             [deletes allow table, selects first element]
allow: <ENTER> [set allow[1] with IP, default mask]
allow: <ENTER> [set allow[2] with subnet mask]
cold-reset <ENTER>         [set TCP factory defaults]
passwd: j71fa j71fa        [set admin password]
banner: 1 <ENTER>          [enables banner page]
exit <ENTER>               [exit]
(Read-Only) values may have been automatically set by BOOTP, DHCP or RARP.


Basic Commands to Use

Output the help screen featured above
Output the current printer configuration
Output the current configuration commands in a format that can be pasted back into the terminal
Commit any outstanding config changes to flash memory
reset printer to factory default settings

How to disable telnet on HP Printers

  1. Open the printer’s web configuration interface
  2. Navigate to the Networking | Advanced settings page.
  3. Uncheck Telnet Configuration and click Apply


Finally, reconnect to confirm that telnet is disabled. The printer will still listen on TCP port 23 but you should see a message stating “Telnet is disabled.”

2 Replies to “HP LaserJet Printer Telnet Commands”

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