Mission Concepción in San Antonio
During a recent trip to San Antonio I decided to drive down and checkout the historic Missions just south of downtown. Mission Concepcion was my first stop, it was a cold day but I had fun capturing these images. I never made it the other Missions but I plan on photographing them next time I’m in San Antonio. Enjoy!
Mission Concepción San Antonio
Mission Nuestra Señora de la Purísima Concepción de Acuña (also Mission Concepcion) was established in 1716 as Nuestra Señora de la Purísima Concepción de los Hainais in East Texas. It was originally meant to be a base for converting the Hasinai. The mission was moved in 1731 to San Antonio. After its relocation most of the people in the mission were Pajalats who spoke a Coahuiltecan language.[1] Founded by Franciscan friars, this is the best preserved of the Texas missions…. more info about the mission can be found on the park’s website and wikipedia.